Find the latest KVS Vacancy for various posts in MP. Explore KVS GAIL Jhabua Vacancy details, teacher vacancies in MP, and upcoming KVS notifications. Apply now for KVS jobs in Madhya Pradesh.
Details of Vacancy in KVS GAIL JHABUA
Job Type
- Contract ( Samvida )
Age Limit
- 18 to 65 years
- English
- Hindi
- Maths
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Economics
- Commerce
- Computer Science
Education Qualifications
- B.ED + Master in concered Subject
- English
- Maths
- Sanskrit
- Social Science
- Arts
Education Qualifications
- 4 years degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT + CTETÂ ORÂ Bachelor Degree in concerned subject + CTET Qualified
Staff Nurse
- Diploma/ B.Sc Nursing
- BA/BSc ( Councelling) + Diploma in Guidance and Councelling
Yoga Trainer
- Graduation + Degree/Diploma in Yoga
Special Educator
- Grauduation + Diploma/Degree in Special Education
Primary Teacher
- High Secondary with 50% marks + B.LeD/D.ED
- Bachelor Degree in Music
Computer Instructor
- BE/B.Tech/BCA/MCA + B.ED
Data Entry Operator
- Graduate + Certificate in Computer
Interview Date & Time for KVS GAIL JHABUA
- For PGT ( Except Computer Science ), TGT, Nurse , Counsellor, Yoga Trainer, Special Educator – 21.02.2025 Friday from 8:00 a.m
- For PGT Computer Science, PRT, Computer Instructor, Data Entry Operator – 22.02.2025 Saturday from 8:00 a.m
How to Apply for KVS GAIL JHABUA
- Fill The Google form given in Application form. Also fill the Application form and carry along with you at the time of interview.