Find the latest KVS Vacancy 2025 for various posts in MP. Explore KVS Burhanpur Vacancy details, teacher vacancies in MP, and upcoming KVS notifications. Apply now for KVS jobs in Madhya Pradesh.
Details of Vacancy in KVS Burhanpur
Job Type
- Contract ( Samvida )
Age Limit
- Between 18 to 65 Years
PGT Vacancy
- English
- Hindi
- Maths
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Commerce
Education Qualification for PGT Vacancy
- Graduation + B.ED in Respective Subjects with 50% Marks
- For PGT Computer Science – BE/B.Tech (CS/IT)/MSc ( CS)/MCA
TGT Vacancy
- English
- Hindi
- Maths
- Science
- Social Science
- Sanskrit
Education Qualification for TGT Vacancy
- CTET+ Graduation + B.ED in Respective Subjects with 50% Marks
- For Social Science – History/Geography/Economics/Politcal Science ( History and Geography is Must)
- Diploma/ B.Sc Nursing
- BA/BSc ( Councelling) + Diploma in Guidance and Councelling
Special Educator
- According to Rehabilitation Council of India Rules
Dance Teacher
- Graduation with 50% Marks + Certification in Dance
Self Defence Teacher ( Female Only)
- Self Defence Training Certificate from any Government Recognised Organisation + Past Relevant Experience in the same
Primary Teacher
- High Secondary with 50% marks + B.LeD/D.ED
Sports Teacher
- B.PeD/ Certificate from Sports Authority of India
- Sports Specialization – Other Than BasketBall
Computer Trainer
Yoga Teacher
- Graduation with 50% Marks + Certification in Yoga
Music Teacher
- Bachelor Degree in Music from Government Recognized Institution
Art Teacher
- BFA + B.ED
Interview Date and Time for KVS Burhanpur
- On 10/02/2025 from 9:00 AM for the all the post excluding PGTs, TGTs and Computer Trainer
- On 11/02/2025 from 9:00 AM for the post of PGTs, TGTs, and Computer Trainer
Official Notification
Application Form Format
How to Apply
- Take print out of the application form, fill it up and submit in the KVS Burhanpur along with the copies of relevant documents